Guitar Jam!

Thanks man. Mostly finger vibrato. Bar at the start and end.
Good work from everyone. Cool idea for a thread.
Thanks alot metalhead, yeahh some odd notechoice, but i kinda like it. guitar is out of tune as well but i think it's not that bad .at least for the crappy fender squier i have here at Uni.
But really cool soli from everyone. Hope to hear more sneapsters unleash their solos in the future.:rock:
Curses to you all for starting this! (JOKING) I'm supposed to be working on a new song, and now I'm distracted with this! :heh: I got so carried away with stuff playing to this last night, I broke a string. :lol: I thought this would be too fast for me (and it is!), but it's fun. I'll try to post something by tomorrow.
Needed a break from tracking a new song (yes Noutern...I'm working on it ;) rhythms are done...I think :D). I decided to give this another go. Holy crap...that tempo! What would normally be 32nd notes that I'm really working hard to play are only 16th notes on this!!'s a really quick, sloppy attempt...minus a section. I didn't have time to play one section before getting kicked off the computer by my wife so she could do some actual work :lol: so I cut out that section.'s Short Solo Jam.mp3

The first bit is rubbish, but I kind of like the slower part.

This was so different than my normal style and so challenging...I need to keep this track around for pushing myself harder. :)
Hahahaha, love it Mark, damn! Crazy whammy nonsense, courtesy of the Schecter I take it? (or your RG I guess) I gotta say, though, the tone sounds verrry solid state; if I didn't know better I'd think it was your Rockman!
RG. :heh: I didn't really care about the tone. It's just an Amplitube2 patch (and a Wah) that I use to monitor while tracking usually. Pretty crappy playing, without really any kind of thought. Was just taking a break from recording rhythms. :) I WISH I still had my Rockman! :D That thing was perfect for squeaking out some early Joe Satch tones. :)