Guitar Pickups


New Metal Member
Jan 31, 2009

Apologies in advance if there's already a post for this subject (couldn't find anything)...

I would like some opinions on guitar pickups for playing live...which you prefer and why yada yada)
With the style of metal that I play (techdeth) I need something that has a compromise between sounding heavy and yet clear enough to bring out the clarity of the notes. I don't do much in the way of sustained powerchords...rather lots of melody and fast aggressive (especially muted) picking.

I understand the whole rig needs to be taken into account (and I'm looking to replace my amp and effects in the not too distant future) but right now I would like to get opinions on guitar pickups......and I'm loathe to spend any money until I've got some feedback from here first.

I like EMG's myself.

I actually like both the 85 and the 81 in the bridge. Each one has its own strenghts. I think the 85's more 'me' because of the added chuggz, but the 81's tighter than... I don't know... emo jeans?
EMG's for the win!
I use the Zakk Wylde combo in my 6 string guitars. (81 bridge & 85 neck) :headbang:
Hey thanks for the suggestions.

Just looking for details on these pickups.

SD Full Shred




Seems like the Full Shred and EMG81 are very different in their makeup (alnico vs ceramic) (passive vs active). Surely there'd be a significant difference in their (can't think of a more appropriate word) behavior. There are also a number of variations for the EMG81...I assume that the straight EMG81 is what you're referring to....

Has anyone had any experience with both of these pickups? Disadvantages/Advantages of each?

Thanks for the help so far.
I don't have any experience with the full shreds, but I do have a set of Bareknuckle Nailbombs that are alnico v with about a 15k ohm reading - spec wise very close to the full shreds and another guitar with the 81 in the bridge. Both guitars are very similar but my experience with high gain tones has been that the 81 is much more defined in the lows and top end as well as having a less round mid response as compared to the passives, as well as needing slightly less gain.
My Ibanez is loaded with DiMarzio Evo's and my ESP guitars are loaded with Seymour's. Then I tried the ESP Horizon of a friend with EMG 81 and I was like fick yeah. I want to put EMG's in all my ESP's now. They sound so much more -I don't know- fat maybe. Definitely would go with EMGs for metal stuff.
I recently got Seymour Duncan Blackouts for my 7 string, very articulate, great note separation, great cleans ( something I felt the EMGs couldn't do) and they are amazingly quiet so I no longer have to use as much threshold on my noise gate anymore. Another advantage is that they feel like EMGs on 18 volts, but you only need one 9 volt battery to achieve that feel. I prefer these over both the EMG 707 and 81-7.
That said, I've only ever used the 7 string version, so the 6 string version is possibly not the same thing and from what I've read the EMGs seem to be the better choice for 6 string guitars.

JBs are great pickups, but honestly, if you're playing tech death, they would be far from my pickups of choice. They lend themselves well to a certain style that doesn't require the tightest bottom end and it would seem for tech death they aren't tight enough.
I've had a JB in a mahogany body/maple top guitar and also regularly played a friends Jackson with a JB in alder. I would say if your guitar isn't of either wood type, avoid the JB and even in mahogany body/maple top and alder it's still not the tightest pickup around.
That said, the JB is not as loose as some would have you believe (plenty of stock pickups in cheapo guitars have way looser pickups) and as I've said, it needs the right body wood to perform for tech metal.
What guitar are you planning to put new pickups in?
If you have a basswood guitar, DEFINITELY do not go for the JB.
Basswood and JBs are one of the worst combos possible IMO. Actives work well in basswood though. EMGs and basswood have been a popular combo for ages.
lots of melody and fast aggressive (especially muted) picking.
I use Duncans but if I was playing music with lots of palm mutes I'd be using something active. Either an EMG or a Livewire.
Hey thanks again for all the help.

Seems like the general concensus is emg 81.

My guitar is a 6 string Custom USA Jackson Rhodes (neck thru) made of poplar with ebony fretboard and schaller bridge.

I do like the idea of using a pickup with a tight bottom end - would definitely lend itself to my playing style...

So active pickups are better for muted stuff hey?

Thanks heaps for the help so far.
Actives would be a great choice for sure man! If you can fit 2 batteries in your electronics cavity in your Jackson (if you get EMGs) do it, because EMGs sound and feel better on 18 volts I reckon.
18 volts...very interesting.

I checked out a youtube vid for comparison....

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bareknuckles and gibson 490 ts for the win.
or just plain tele single coils. thats right
Great. Thanks for all of the help. I think I will head toward the EMG81 and also try the 18v mod...