Guitar question for Mr. V


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Hello, I've been analyzing the music on all of the Vintersorg releases, and I find the actual guitar sound on the earlier releases very enjoyable. Even some of the tones that I've heard on Hedniskjartad I can sometimes hear on The Focusing Blur. I've been unable to find any information about what kind of equipment you've used in the past or even what you use now. What I have noticed is that I own a particular Marshall amp that can produce a sound similar to something like that of Till Fjalls, so I was wondering if you used any Marshall equipment on the recordings? I have an inkling that you use Jackson guitars, but I'm not sure... Basically, I'm just very curious and would like to know, I'm not trying to replicate your sound or anything! :)

Thank you!
Great questions, Marksveld. Being a guitarist, and very much a fan of mr V's guitar work, I too would love to hear this information!

And I completely agree with the comment about his guitar sound! It's a very nice, clean sound, while still being heavy and punchy. I also love the use of what I think is a wah wah pedal on a lot of Till Fjälls... the solo stuff, and even a rhythm here and there (I think?). I believe this is done on other releases too, but I just got done listening to Till Fjälls, so it is fresh in my head :)

Yes, there are definetly some interesting effects used. A lot of the leads and rhythms can be a bit complex, with virtually no tabs (except for Tussmorkret) out there, its hard to understand some of the music. < especially on Cosmic Genesis, but I'm no guitar master or anything :)
Marksveld said:
Hello, I've been analyzing the music on all of the Vintersorg releases, and I find the actual guitar sound on the earlier releases very enjoyable. Even some of the tones that I've heard on Hedniskjartad I can sometimes hear on The Focusing Blur. I've been unable to find any information about what kind of equipment you've used in the past or even what you use now. What I have noticed is that I own a particular Marshall amp that can produce a sound similar to something like that of Till Fjalls, so I was wondering if you used any Marshall equipment on the recordings? I have an inkling that you use Jackson guitars, but I'm not sure... Basically, I'm just very curious and would like to know, I'm not trying to replicate your sound or anything! :)

Thank you!
We use mostly Marshall-amps/cabinett mixed with Line6 POD-pro, on the earlier albums it was more or less just marshall with some EQ ....and of course some FX at times.

mr V