Guitar Rig


Chemical Pariah
Aug 30, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
So we've just finished recording the guitars for our demo. We used guitar rig and it sounded pretty okay, but the more we hear it the more we see how much it sucks. Anyone know a way to get a good sound out of it or would I have better luck with amplitube?

What I'm also thinking if we should send the tracks to one of our heads, but then I guess we have to convert the signal to instrument level again. How to do that?
NathanSoulfracture said:
the best amp sim i have heard is the JCM900 sim from guitar suite.

After trying Amplitube, Greenmachine and Guitar Suite, I like Guitar Suite the best. The funny thing is, Simulanalog Guitar Suite is free and can be downloaded from
If the JCM 900 isn't your thing, you might want to go with something else but it's worth a try right?
If you want the quickest option, yes go for simulations. But it will never match the feel of a real amp. I'm not an amp/gear purist or anything, just try it yourslef. If you are satisfied with the amp sim software then stick with it. But don't sacrifice your sound just to make the job quicker/easier.
Yeah well, we never saw this recording as serious. We actually just started it to get some gigs were they wanted to hear more songs. But now, after trying Guitar Suite I've made up my mind. We'll reamp to my triple xxx head instead. And don't care if it takes another week. hah.
I tried the Guitar Rig demo for a little bit and I like it. I think it could be usable on an album even. I couldn't get it to sound as good as my TS808 + Pod XT setup though... but I didn't try for very long. I love the product though and I think it will get better and better.

All the other software amp sims SUCK. Guitar Rig is the only one that's usable IMO. Amplitube is so horrid you will laugh, and Amp Farm is just dated and cheesy.
I think the distortion in Guitar Rig originally sucked, but got sorted out with version 1.2. They added some new pedals, but they definitely also tweaked how the signal distorts, especially in the low end. A heavy patch sounds a lot better in GR 1.2 than in previous versions.
The best advice I can give about GR is to spend a lot of time in the "mic and cabs" section. I've found this to be the most important part of the entire patch; experiment with the mic, speaker, and orientation settings. Avoid the presets here, and be open to doing things you wouldn't normally do with actual hardware.
Aside from that, use EQ and use it well. I usually roll off some lows and attenuate the highs (around 6 or 7 k) post-cabs, because they tend to be too bright. The mid scooping should be done with the amp EQ, but a hint at the end of the chain is sometimes useful.
I think it's a great piece of kit, but much time must be invested, not to mention a healthy, loud signal.
I agree, Gruesome...

I think 1.2 shows a lot of promise. The Tube Screamer emulation sounds NOTHING like the real thing, so you have to get pretty creative with how you gain-stage your tones. EMG pickups are definitely necesarry, but that is true anyway...

The best tone I got out of the demo before it expired was the proco rat into a Marshall plexi with vintage 30s. Go figure.