GuitarPro Composition


Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
I want to know if there's other people here who are using GuitarPro as a tool for composition, or maybe something else?

I would like to use this thread to share my composition via GuitarPro and to hear what other people did too.
^ I'm gonna guess you didn't pay for GP so why not download something like Cubase/Nuendo to compose in? Far easier and way more options.
i do sorta, send me some stuff fetzy :) you know muhammed suicmez from necrophagist uses guitarpro to write everything

Didn't know that, that's... weird but cool :lol:

I do! Everything on my myspace is written out in Guitar Pro. The symphony I'm trying to write is guitar pro also, but 16 midi channels is limiting...

Yeah, that's really boring. Actually when I'm writing symphony on GP I'm doing it in 2 or 3 files, using one "general" backtrack as a base for my files. I got used to that cause last years I was reccording on a really bad computer and I wasn't able to run the program (it was Mixcraft, so it tells you how bad my compt was) with more than 3 tracks at the same time. I needed to always do 3 tracks, export it, import the whole .wav, then do two other track, export it, import, etc.

^ I'm gonna guess you didn't pay for GP so why not download something like Cubase/Nuendo to compose in? Far easier and way more options.

Actually, GP is easier to learn and more accessible, so I started with that to learn music 5 years ago, I must tell you that switching to another program isn't an easy thing, I'm so used to GP4, I even didn't downloaded GP5.
Guitar Pro is probably my single most valuable computer program. It's really great when you have a flash of inspiration and you just need to get it down quick before you lose it.

I have also written symphonies on there. While not the best program for it, it's certainly possible. And when you consider you can change each track to a different instrument at any one time, 16 tracks really isn't limiting at all. Unless you're trying to use more than 16 instrument groups at once....

I also use it to map out my drum midis before I import them to Cubase and assign them to EZDrummer. It's a super-quick way of achieving really decent sounding drum tracks.
SO can you guys tell me about GP, is it just another recording software ? I have Sonar 6, doesnt seem too bad, however I'm still somewhat technology challenged and cant use it to its best benefits. Im also a self taught player and only have elementary theory level. My challenge now is timing maps, I have occasional use of time sig changes, that work fine but I have problems counting them to figure out what Im doing and this makes me clueless as to how to map them for a click track.

So I guess Im asking if guitar pro helps with this or is just another recording device ?
Guitar Pro is probably my single most valuable computer program. It's really great when you have a flash of inspiration and you just need to get it down quick before you lose it.

I have also written symphonies on there. While not the best program for it, it's certainly possible. And when you consider you can change each track to a different instrument at any one time, 16 tracks really isn't limiting at all. Unless you're trying to use more than 16 instrument groups at once....

I also use it to map out my drum midis before I import them to Cubase and assign them to EZDrummer. It's a super-quick way of achieving really decent sounding drum tracks.

That's why I still use it, for the drum exportation. Creating a drum in GP4 takes me like 5 hour less than using another program with which I'm not familiar so :lol:

If by composition you mean by punching in random notes on GP, then no thats bullshit. But if you use it as an arranging tool thats fine.

You can punch random notes with anything, not only GuitarPro...
Ive been using Guitar pro for ages now , even though ive come across a few GP wanna be's if you all can remember Power tab it was a good attempt tho but guitar pro still comes first theyve developed the software brilliantly especially after adding the RSE engine it might not be much but i definitely love how the drums sound when its on , in my opinion knowing how to use GP is a must , Cheers :)
That's why I still use it, for the drum exportation. Creating a drum in GP4 takes me like 5 hour less than using another program with which I'm not familiar so :lol:

I really can't see how, even if you had never used Cubase, GP is easier for creating drums. o_O
i'm using GuitarPro to save my compositions and improve them with this tool...
but it can not replace a real recording sound...
not even the RSE in GuitarPro 5... (sounds very bad)
guitar pro is how I write all my stuff, and its a good way for me to hear it sounds all together without having to have all my bandmates present and accounted for.
I use TabIt which is similar to Guitar-Pro, but it only costs $19 and is a lot easier to figure out and everything is much more intuitive in my opinion. I have GP5 and I've used GP4, but comparative to TabIt, I'm really not impressed, so I only use GP when I want to download a tab that isn't available on the TabIt site yet.

For my original compositions, I use TabIt with imported soundfonts. If you don't have a soundfont compatible soundcard, then I guess GP5's RSE is probably the next best thing, but it really can't even compare to the soundquality of even some of the free soundfonts that you can download from any number of sites.

Here are some of my originals, recorded directly from TabIt playback (with soundfonts, of course):

BlackMetalWhiteGuy - Overture - a melodic / symphonic black metal piece that I started in December 2004, but never finished.

Matthew F. Tabor - Arabian Trance (sample) - Gypsy scale trance

Matthew F. Tabor - Eastern Trance (sample) - Asian inspired trance

Matthew F. Tabor - Phylogenetic Inertia - a trance loop

Naturalistic Fallacy - a collaboration I started that seven other members of the TabIt forums contributed to

Urbanis Inarticulata - Realm of the Mundane - a rap loop

Video capture of TabIt playback - just some guitar trio that I wrote a couple years ago. There may be some audio lag, but this an issue with the motion capture program, not TabIt. - I have a couple more songs here.
Ive been using Guitar pro for ages now , even though ive come across a few GP wanna be's if you all can remember Power tab it was a good attempt tho but guitar pro still comes first theyve developed the software brilliantly especially after adding the RSE engine it might not be much but i definitely love how the drums sound when its on , in my opinion knowing how to use GP is a must , Cheers :)
I know exactly what you mean. I downloaded PT to listen to some Nekrogoblikon tabs and it is probably the worst music notation program I've ever used.