Guitarrecording question


Fiesta's Angels
Sep 10, 2006
Say my song is 4 minutes long. I play perfectly 3mins and 50 seconds into the song, then fuck up when there is like 10 seconds left of the song. Is there a way to just rerecord those last 10 seconds without having to play the entire song all the way through once more?

I tried to record riff A separately, then riff B, then riff C etc... but the transitions sound so fake.

(I use Cubase SX 3)
Say my song is 4 minutes long. I play perfectly 3mins and 50 seconds into the song, then fuck up when there is like 10 seconds left of the song. Is there a way to just rerecord those last 10 seconds without having to play the entire song all the way through once more?

I tried to record riff A separately, then riff B, then riff C etc... but the transitions sound so fake.

(I use Cubase SX 3)

Sure! The trick is crossfading. Start playing the riff somewhere a bit before you screw up. Then put the takes on the same track and cut them so there's a bit of them overlapping each other. Now press X on your keyboard, and voila!
I call it "fisting" (punch in ehm hahaha) so just play a bit before the part you screwed up and continue like you would.
+1 on what everyone else said.

But DEFINITELY remember that, if you're micing the guitar, you should have the mic in the same exact position or you'll have a very hard time getting the sounds to match up