Guitars and rig on Diabolical Masquerade's Death's Design


New Metal Member
Jan 14, 2011
I hope I didn't miss a similar thread, search didn't bring up anything for me.

I'd really like to know which equipment was used for the guitar part of the Death's Design CD. I love the sound on that album!

Greetings from a long time fan from Germany
You should ask Blockhaus, I think he engineered that.... he's probably lurking on the Kotki flora...

The Deaths Design was recorded using a Crate Blue Voodoo with a Marshall 1x12" in an isobox. I had an Elander 60W powersoak for the Crate amp to crank the master a little bit louder without disturbing the peace.
The clean stuff were possible a Godin. I know I messed around with one for the midi parts. They were DI'ed most of the time.

Dan you have an incredible memory for things. Or did you write it down? It's a good one.....