Gun ban will kill you all !

Pretty damn good English for a foreign guy learning the language off of forums.

Anyway, that's pretty interesting. I definitely think that people who want strict gun control laws are gooches. Even though it sounds harsh, they'd probably learn their lesson if they came into a situation where a gun would have saved their lives, but due to strict laws, it wasn't present.
and if there was much more control on guns, there would be less shootings

I agree !

but... reality the only problem is that you can't really control guns !

You can only (kinda) control law abiding citizens.
Criminals don't give a half shit about any gun law.

btw There would be much more stabbings, arsons, poisonings, beating people to death, strangling, bombing etc etc etc.
Yeah, just read what's there about South Africa. Extremely strict laws, yet a higher number of homicides (per 100,000 people) than other countries. Switzerland doesn't have very strict laws, and has the lowest number.

Even if you have the strictest gun laws imaginable, like Mutant said, criminals aren't going to care. They're going to find ways to get guns, and when they have one, they're going to be unstoppable as long as the police aren't there.
Of course stricter gun laws wouldnt directly result in less crime, because they dont make the other weapons magically disappear, but I fail to see why less strict gun laws would help..
There may be one or two examples of armed students shooting a killer or helping in his apprehension, but dont forget that every massacre is an example of gun laws being too lax.

Every one over the age of 18 can just go an buy a gun

How is that a good thing? If you want, do the whole procedure and get a concealed weapon permit, which is a common thing even for countries with stricter gun laws btw. But letting every idiot have a gun is nothing but a stupid thing and proof of too much influence of the gun lobbyism on US politics
guns are already prohibited here unless you have a permit but even then you can't just fire it. I think that's just fine

Ohhh Mr Norris !!!

Pleasure to meet you !

Can i call you Chuck ?

Yes i know that you can disarm a knife (or even a gun) wielding thug with a single karate superkick, but please think about the other people who are not superheroes like you, who don't know any martial arts, who are much smaller and weaker than our thug, who would just try to run away or just stand there paralyzed with fear, praying to their gods for miraculous rescue ! :loco:


ps. I'm your biggest fan of course ! :worship:
Like I said, I have nothing against people getting concealed weapons permits, with all the bureaucracy it brings along, but letting people buy guns, supermarket style is just plain wrong.

Yes you're right.

I support a gun law that doesn't exist yet - a gun law that allows all good people to buy a gun without any potentially life threatening delay and at the same time forces every criminal to buy a gun on a black market.
Like I said, I have nothing against people getting concealed weapons permits, with all the bureaucracy it brings along, but letting people buy guns, supermarket style is just plain wrong.

Definitely. In a perfect world, all sane and good natured people would be able to buy a gun for self-defense and/or hunting and/or target shooting with out any major hassle (background checks, responsibility tests etc. required), and would-be criminals, and those that are already criminals wouldn't be able to.
Ohhh Mr Norris !!!

Pleasure to meet you !

Can i call you Chuck ?

Yes i know that you can disarm a knife (or even a gun) wielding thug with a single karate superkick, but please think about the other people who are not superheroes like you, who don't know any martial arts, who are much smaller and weaker than our thug, who would just try to run away or just stand there paralyzed with fear, praying to their gods for miraculous rescue ! :loco:


ps. I'm your biggest fan of course ! :worship:

mario will do fine, thank you

and I don't care about it cuz I've had little trouble with it. I've only been treathened with a knife once and that dude indeed got his ass kicked but that doesn't mean I'm strong, I just learned the technique. here in belgium ppl aren't as violent as in other parts in the world.
mario will do fine, thank you

and I don't care about it cuz I've had little trouble with it. I've only been treathened with a knife once and that dude indeed got his ass kicked but that doesn't mean I'm strong, I just learned the technique. here in belgium ppl aren't as violent as in other parts in the world.

Mmmmm Belgium - one of the best countries to live in :)

Here in Poland we have only 1,64 murders per 100000 - in Belgium it's even lower: 1,50.

I must live in a reeeally bad neighborhood because in 2006 there were 3 murders (2 of them about 25 meters from where i live - one in a flat and one outside) and about 40 beatings here.

All 3 people died of knife inflicted wounds and all 3 would live now if drinking alcohol wasn't ever "invented".

In a similarly bad area in the USA there would be 5,9/1,64*3=10,79 murders and about 143 beatings.

Due to my work schedule i always walk my dog out between 1 am and 3 am - favorite hours of burglars and car radio/tire thieves.

I know that they are armed with knives, so in accordance to a well known rule of "always carry a bigger stick" i armed myself with a spring knife and a proper knowledge how to use it too.

It's a good thing that most of the local young thugs/gangstas work out at the same small gym that i'm a longtime member of.

They kind of respect a bigger and stronger "wolf". :heh:
wow, that's quite some violence there.

I know some ppl have fights here, but real fights are just rare occastions, I guess I'm pretty lucky to live here
Damn, you guys sure don't have much blood ejected from people huh?

Hell, I have off a few with the front of my truck just to make it to work on many damn stains on ma' grill 'tis ridiculous.