Gun Control


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

I still haven't seen that movie. Roger and Me kicked ass though.

Ban guns? No.
Register them? Absofuckinlutely.
On a similar note, I recently heard about a firearms warehouse in Washington state from which over fifty crimes have been traced, including the D.C. sniper case. According to an ATF official, one cause of this is poor security. I think Bowling For Columbine II could be in the works... :)
Gah that's right, that damn near killed me when I read that before the UM blackout erased it from my memory.
Black Winter Day said:
did he straight up say "my pals"? i don't remember that specifically.
Nah, I just like to embellish it slightly to make it funnier. :tickled: He did say it was an ethnic problem so you know behind the scenes he's a screaming racist. And worse still, this is the same dude who once parted the Red Sea. :loco:

The best thing about Moore is that he puts people on the spot. Heston was squirming like a wormy maggot. "Why should I apologize?". Pfft. I mean, people who otherwise have blind faith in their government are about equal with religous zealots IMO. And typically, they're one and the same anyway.
Weve got bigger problems in this country than gun control. I would hate to see the gov give the police even more power, and lets face it, guns are mostly wrecking havoc in the inner city, a place no one cares about.

As for Heston, he does have alzheimers, and he used to be a liberal, whom i believe marched with ML King. The guys old, and crazy, give him a break is all i am saying.
JayKeeley said:
Nah, I just like to embellish it slightly to make it funnier. :tickled: He did say it was an ethnic problem so you know behind the scenes he's a screaming racist. And worse still, this is the same dude who once parted the Red Sea. :loco:

The best thing about Moore is that he puts people on the spot. Heston was squirming like a wormy maggot. "Why should I apologize?". Pfft. I mean, people who otherwise have blind faith in their government are about equal with religous zealots IMO. And typically, they're one and the same anyway.
I need to read entire threads before posting. D'oh!

Ali is dead-on on all points too, he SQUIRMED!