GUNS N' ROSES Bassist DUFF MCKAGAN To Interview Actor SEAN PENN At Seattle's Moore Theatre


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
GUNS N' ROSES bassist Duff McKagan will interview Sean Penn about the Academy Award-winning actor's recently released book, "Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff", on April 11 at Seattle's Moore Theatre. "I wanted an author who doesn't hate the book," Penn told the Seattle Times about the decision to get McKagan to interview him. "Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff" follows a septic-tank salesman who becomes a contract assassin who kills people with mallets. The dark comedy is published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. The book was released to mostly scathing reviews, along with social media controversy over a poem about the #MeToo movement and a passage slamming the Trump Administration. Back in 2011, McKagan told Publishers Weekly that he holds "books and their writers… in high esteem." He added that the "undertaking" of writing his book, "It's So Easy", "was not at all approached lightly. Words are a currency that can be very valuable to me," he explained. "Use words with economy, and sprinkle them with care — like gold dust, or better yet, pieces of diamond." GUNS N' ROSES will return in June for a seven-week European jaunt, but the band's plans until then, and beyond that, remain unknown for now. The three core members — McKagan, singer Axl Rose and guitarist Slash — have not given a single interview together.

#Seattle don’t miss out. #seanpenn

— Duff McKagan (@DuffMcKagan) March 28, 2018

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