Guns N' Roses: Chinese Democracy


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
After over a decade of delays (well, mostly procrastination, the way I see it), Axl Rose (sorry, but it's just not Guns N' Roses without Slash, Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin and Matt Sorum)* will finally release the much talked-about Chinese Democracy album on November 23 exclusively through Best Buy.

You know what this means - Free Dr. Pepper for everyone in America (except Slash and Buckethead).

(*Yes, Steven Adler was the original drummer, but let's face it - Sorum's a better drummer.)

[ame=]Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy[/ame]

Guns N' Roses Official Site
I have a number of friends who listened to it streaming live in youtube or some website a week ago, and it was pretty much universally said to be "bad" to "ok" but no high marks.
I have no idea why some music fans feel such a need to cling to the past. There are so many other rock bands that are not nearly as famous, but put out much better music.
The album is garbage.

Seriously, its poorly produced, the song writing is crap and its not even Guns and roses at the end of the day.

Axl time to call it a day on Guns and Roses mate, do yourself a favour, drop the name and produce the music you want.....dont try and trick fans of the name into buying your garbage.
i did hear some questionable edits but i liked the over production and the fact that it wasn't what i thought it'd be. sonically i didn't have a problem with it - killer guitar work and i liked the hiphop beats and samples too - call me pop lover but i enjoyed the listen! if the world is my fav.
i did hear some questionable edits but i liked the over production and the fact that it wasn't what i thought it'd be. sonically i didn't have a problem with it - killer guitar work and i liked the hiphop beats and samples too - call me pop lover but i enjoyed the listen! if the world is my fav.

if the world is undoubtedly the strongest track on the album. It is catchy.

But most of what I said is aimed at Rose continuing his career but not in the name of Guns and roses.

I went to see GnR in 2006, and I loved the show. But as you would expect it was mainly old Guns and roses. I was so excited to see Izzy playing a guest slot with them also.

But, this is not a strong album. Many will buy it, because it carried the moniker Guns and roses. But I cant really see it making much headway in the rock charts etc.

I agree with what you said, sonically theres little wrong with the album, but its just not what it could have and probably should have been. In short, and call me a fan boi, but it just is not guns and roses. This is why I said they should put the name to bed and carry on anyway.

Musically gifted people dont always write amazing songs, its possible to be the worlds most technical player, but if you dont put any feeling into it, its just left lacking. The current line up are basically hired hands, session musicians if you like.
Theres no doubting the raw talent in the band, but I dont feel like they have gelled together.

Campare this to Metallica, when metallica were releasing any of there albums its still unmistakably metallica, I dont get this impression with Chinese democracy, I started to feel it when they release the Spaghetti Incident, it seemed that after use your illusion the ideas werre all used up.
But most of what I said is aimed at Rose continuing his career but not in the name of Guns and roses.

In short, and call me a fan boi, but it just is not guns and roses. This is why I said they should put the name to bed and carry on anyway.

I agree with this. I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but I do like some of the guitar tones I heard! It doesn't even sound like the voice of Axl everybody knows so well. Oh well, we'll see what happens next!! :u-huh: