
Glad you like it !
I have thought about it but i don´t know really.
My versions of "Drowning in sadness" "The game" ect. is almost indentical to the N.G versions. The only difference is the words.
I think the original of "Intermezzo" has a charm.
The demos to the other songs is not that good.
I have toyed with the idea of doing a medly of something like that, who knows ? I´ll give it a second thought.
I listened to Fontaien now some more times and I really like the emotions in your voice Dag. You said it's sung with a "love-feeling" or something like that? Sometimes you can hear it in songs.
It was sung with a "unhappy love feeling". The lyric has nothing to do about the subject but the refrain is something like

"Promise me, that you´ll never stop breathing"
And when the wind has stopped and the sea is calm
We´ll fill up the fontain again"

Well..........those were the days