Ha ha ha, Hevy Devy is fucked up...

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
"... you're a neurotic, homophobic, racist dork... You've also got a lot of balls to dick with someone else's life, you fucking pseudo ghetto "boy in the hood" middle class white spoiled rotten bored "gangsta" wanna-be hunk of regenerated red neck bullshit! Thank Christ you don't have to rely on that staggering intellect or dynamic personality to intimidate others, shit for brains. Shut the fuck up, and get out of your parents' house and get a real job, you putz, and for god's sake, quit being such a fucking sheep!!! Now grow the hell up!!!
...dink "

This is a chunk from the song Happy Camper (Carpe B.U.M.) off the album Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing by Strapping Young Lad.

Man, this guy hates alot of people, and there's plenty more where this bit of lryics came from!
Check it out, it's pretty funny: