Ha ha... LEGO rules


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Whilst packing up some boxes (I'm moving :/ ) i came across two BIG boxes of old lego, from when my brother and i were 5 or 6... ha ha, i just spent a few hours making spaceships and space stations while listening to sanctuary :lol: Everyone who walked past my room was like "What the fuck!?"
I'm mastering old tapes and LPs to my P4 .2.89
Know what ...My bootleg from 85' Exodus is killing all hahashahaha
Black Metal = Venom
Death Metal + Venom
so all you fucks should stop being stupid and loving guts in makeup(Motley Crue at--leased looked cool)
I am the Man who makes fun of I:All who will read my rant will understand I AM lost!!!!My life is noncared .....Who the Fuck cares about anyone ??

ANother post by TROYS wIFE

Seriously, if anyone on this forum has SPACE LEGO, i'll pay BIG DOLLARS for it. Seriously... i'll even give you my red death vinyl if it's good stuff... :err:

they are awesome :eek:

It's one in the morning, i'm sitting here in a bon jovi tshirt, nursing my sore, swollen ear ( :cry: ), while playing with space-mobiles that i just made :grin:
I wanted to buy that one LEGO space station with the electric space train that moves around cause it looked pretty cool but it was expensive and I don't have any money.
Besides there are those LEGO detailed models of cars and airplanes and such... more for grown ups. We can play with those.
Legos rule; we always buy 'em for our nephews for x-mas so we can play with them (the legos) when they (the nephews) visit. We used to use only the flat pieces (the ones that are 1/3 as tall as the others) to build spaceships and pride ourselves on how "indestructible" they were. We'd throw 'em and whoever made the one with the fewest pieces that broke off won. Good times...noodle salad.
EY = Use 'em dude... you're not too old. Hell, my hair is falling out, and i'm still building spaceships :grin:
Shit, dude, I've got huge boxes of Legos in my basement. My 5 to 9 year old cousins came over, and my dad, uncles and I pulled them out to keep them entertained...by the end of the evening, they were all ready to go, and we're like "hold on, gotta finish this castle!" Good times.