Haha, my drum teacher knows NevermoUre, hahahaha

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay, I just got back from my drum lesson. During the beginning, my teacher was looking through the CDs I had with me, talking about how much Tori Amos bored him (since I happened to have almost every Tori CD I own, with me)... and he was really amazed, since I'm "into all of this heavy, dark, Goth stuff but don't look or act like it." That was amusing. And, when he saw the EoR disc, he said that he'd actually heard of Nevermore.
He was able to teach me "Sober" by Tool, though I'll have to figure out the fills and a lot of the other stuff out on my own. But then I had him listen to "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday", because I thought that'd be easy enough for me to figure out. And I was telling him about the band, since I am the Nevermore freak that I am. And I was telling him "Well, the singer was in another band before this...", and he asked me "Are they a local band", then, after I told him that they're from Seattle, he told me that he'd gotten a call from a band called Nevermoure asking him to fill in for them, but he turned them down because he had to work and he didn't know any of their stuff. I had to surpress the laughter, thinking of the NevermoUre bashing days on here, and explain to him that they were 2 different bands, but that the one that I had playing right now was supirior. That's actually the second time I've had to explain to people that NevermoUre and Nevermore are 2 seperate bands and I do not listen to NevermoUre...

Uhh... that's all. Just something half-way relevant (but for the wrong reason), and also very amusing.