haha this story is full of awesomeness!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Man agrees to doghouse sentence
Thursday, March 13, 2003 Posted: 3:13 PM EST (2013 GMT)

ORANGE, Texas (AP) -- A man accused of mistreating his 11-year-old stepson was ordered Thursday to spend 30 nights in a doghouse.

Prosecutors said Curtis Lee Robin Jr. whipped Zachary Weiger with a car antenna, made him sleep in a doghouse and chop wood as punishment.

The boy later recanted the doghouse allegation and Robin denied making him sleep outdoors. But Robin did not dispute the other claims.

He accepted a plea bargain that gave him a choice of 30 days in jail or 30 nights in a doghouse. He chose the doghouse so that he could continue to work as a foreman at a demolition company.

Robin was to spend his first night in the 2-by-3-foot state-supplied doghouse in his front yard on Thursday. Rain was forecast.

His lawyers argued he needed a bigger doghouse, a sleeping bag and mosquito netting.

Judge Buddie Hahn said the state would provide a doghouse about the same size as the one the boy once claimed to have slept in.

Robin is allowed to sleep with either his head or feet outside, since he cannot fit all the way into the doghouse. A sheriff's deputy will patrol his home periodically each night to ensure he serves his sentence.

The deal also called for Robin to serve eight years' probation and pay a $1,000 fine.

Investigators said when they first interviewed the 11-year-old in 2001, he was filthy and had mosquito bites all over his body.

Pat Anzaldi, the boy's maternal grandfather, said Robin deserved the punishment.

"I know Mr. Robin is very concerned with mosquito netting and weather, but my grandson was not presented with the same treatment," he said.

The boy, who is now 13, lives with his father in Florida.
i had this plan to fix the situation in the middle east and stuff a few years back...indeed, to fix basically any situation. it was based on the premise that we shouldn't kill people and also that most evil is committed in the name of pride. it was called the "sack treatment". the concept basically was that anyone who misbehaves gets thrown in a big sack and carried around for a little while.

like, say yasser arafat sent some dude to blow up a pizza parlor. instead of having tanks roll in and kill a bunch of people in revenge, you get special forces to kidnap him and throw him in a burlap sack, which sharon carries around slung over his shoulder for a week or two, and you feed him by throwing in crusts of bread and water and baby wipes and stuff. it really doesn't hurt anyone but it's hugely humilating especially if the leader makes a lot of public appearances. this can be applied to corrupt cops, racist senators, north korean nukemongers, african kleptocrats, whatever. just throw them in a sack for a little while and carry them around embarassing them and don't actually HURT anyone.

anyway, this story was fwded to me by a friend who said that "the 'sack treatment' is one step closer to being constitutional".