
Deeply, DEEPLY Conservative

RE: THE "LEGEND" OF ZELDA [Jonah Goldberg]
I agree with you, Tim. The Zelda series, for all its bowing to traditionally conservative themes such as the individualist response to grave and gathering tyranny, as well as the clear and unequivocal portrayal of evil as evil. But even from its inception, focusing the title on the kidnapped princess as a potential show of gender equality, and its increasing reliance on symbols of supposed "gay identity" as normative tools of in-world expression - fairies, rainbows, flutes, pointy ears.

There are conservative games out there, such as the gender and race-blind Metroid series and many Japanese role-playing games, which focus on a revitalization of traditional values and a maintenance of small-town, "heartland" life. There are better games than Zelda to instill conservative values in your children and your teenagers.

Posted at 08:59 AM

On the street yesterday, I saw a promotional poster for The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker. A young man from a nearby university saw me and introduced himself, and asked what I thought of the game.

I haven't played this, but from what he told me, and what the clerk later showed me, I can't help but think this game is more liberal and more subversive than I would have thought possible from a family-friendly company like Nintendo. There is a fairy-man named "Tingle" who wears a skintight outfit and prances and minces like a gay "pride" parade participant, helping a very young hero out. There's also a character named "Tott" who stands around in a fringed jumpsuit with a rainbow on the back, himself dancing lasciviously...by a gravestone.