Hahaha, can't believe this clip


Sonic Incision
Jul 29, 2007
between sine waves

I know that crabcore is like this, but this is just so hilarious. It's all there, but there is more. Soap opera meets crabcore, plus performance...MEXICAN WAY :lol::lol::lol:
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Am I'm the onlyone who is confused about that the video prodution is much better than the audioproduction?
because musicwise nothing surprises me here. but it doesnt give the lolz, just the "arrrrgggg"s.
this is worse than anything a noob could have done with 0 experience in cubase sx 3....
and the video is for monkeys... attack attack was shit, but it was AT LEAST well produced.
this is shit AND produced worse than the average podfarm/slate m-core demo...