Hahaha, I found the funniest band EVER!


Anssi Tenhunen




1. Nathan Gale (Rot in Hell) 02:15
2. M.I.L.F. Hunter 02:10
3. Desolate 02:43
4. Mummified on Formaldehyde 02:15
5. Impulse to Destruct 02:57
6. 1001 Nights in Perversia 01:20
7. Porn of the Dead 01:58
8. Bruce-Dick-in-Son 01:58
9. Your Mouth, My Seed 03:48
10. Promised Land 02:30
11. Positive Aspects of Collective Chaos Pt. III 00:32
12. Didgeridildo 02:04
13. Obese Obsession 02:30
14. Pedophilliac Cult 03:06
15. Sea of Faeces 03:01
Total playing time 35:07

Also includes the video for "Cock & Love" from the Eat Clit or Die album.
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not new-saw them live once, a friend of mine played a few shows with them (not that he was a memeber of cliteater, his band played at the same event)
imho it's just grindcore, nothing that special-but I can understand why someone think it's funny (especially songtitles and lyrics)
I think the funny thing about that band is that their old guitarist was a girl! Musta been hilarious when people asked her what the name of her band was. She's in God Dethroned now.