Hahaha I witnessed a fight today.


Klingons on Uranus
Oct 17, 2003
St. Louis Missouri USA
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So I was driving back home from the gym. I have to go through this older subdivision and alot of white trash live out there. This dude walked up to this guys truck and ripped the mirror off the side of the door. Guy got out of his truck and they both started duking it out. Probably were fighting over owed money, or they were both meth users(lot of meths labs out in that neighboorhood), or something stupid around those terms. But it was funny to watch them go at it. Not something you see everday.
I saw a guy attacking a woman, hitting her face with her own purse and walking away with it while she throws her shoe at him. Not something you see everyday, she wasn't even shot.
eheh thats kewl. i like watching ppl fight sometimes, its fun. :) :lol: yeah few weeks ago drove by 2 guys fighting and saw one guy pulling out some lead pipe thing :eek:
Tweakers = drug addicts, I assume. Or maybe meth addicts in particular.

Drugs are good, people are bad (hey, that should be my signature or something). It's only when ppl start abusing them and/or relying on them do problems arise... just like everything else.
I witnessed one in Finland actually, in Semifinal club... one bandmember and a dude were fighting over some petty thing and they engaged in a fistfight. the whole thing wasnt even 5 mins but their beer almost ended up in my lap (with one of the guy as well) so we left the place.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
I witnessed one in Finland actually, in Semifinal club... one bandmember and a dude were fighting over some petty thing and they engaged in a fistfight. the whole thing wasnt even 5 mins but their beer almost ended up in my lap (with one of the guy as well) so we left the place.
which band? :lol:
Yesterday, at work, one of my friends from the recieving department was outside. This strung out, dirty homeless guy with snot coming out of his nose gets in her face and starts asking for stuff, dropping his bag right in front of her. She sort of inched away. Meanwhile, our recieving head then walks outside. The bum commences to get in HIS face. Our head pushed him aside and kept foing. The bum then put up his fists, challenging him to a fight. The recieving head did the same; but didn't swing; he was simply preparing for it. Sure enough, the bum takes a swing. The recieving head ducked it and clocked him right in the face. The guys goes down but staggers up and takes another hit; the recieving head then tossed him to the side in a judo-like move. He was going to boot him at that point when onr of the asst. managers came outside. The bum took off. I have a feeling he won't beback at our store anytime soon. :D
Serge... said:
Any martial artists here? I myself take Wing Chun.
This thread is gay and lying!

I did like six months ago see these to girls bitch slap each other over some sale item(who knows what it was??), that was amusing but over all I am the cowerdly motherfucker that runs away. Not built for it, to skinny. I'll pay some guy to get even or fuck up your car, you know crazy shit when you back is turned! :lol: