hahahaha.......suck fuck Lawsie


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
I must admit a perverse pleasure listening to Lawsie, but this is funny.


Laws lost for words
November 27, 2003

A STUNNED John Laws last night described the planned merger between arch rivals 2UE and 2GB as "sleeping with the enemy personified".

As the Australian Broadcasting Authority announced it would investigate the joint venture, Laws could not hide his shock and disappointment. He celebrated his 50th year in broadcasting by agreeing to a new six-year contract with 2UE two weeks ago but now feels betrayed
No John Laws has always been in Sydney. I know the guy you're talking about, but can't think of his name. He's not liked up here either. For the first two months he was here, all he did was rave on about how terrible Sydney was.