Hi all UMers....
One upon a time..I mean..Months and months ago I was visiting nearly
all this forums and boards in UM regularly. But then, slowly, I broke off.
Today I was surfing on the internet and remembered this site. Then I
found myself here....
Let me introduce myself again.:Spin:
I am a female who was born in the capital city (Ankara) of Turkey on a
fuckin' snowy November of 1982. I like listening heavy metal and
wandering around as a metal head with my friends.
I have graduated from a university's English Literature and Language
department by 2004 June and I am working as an English Teacher now.
One upon a time..I mean..Months and months ago I was visiting nearly
all this forums and boards in UM regularly. But then, slowly, I broke off.
Today I was surfing on the internet and remembered this site. Then I
found myself here....

I am a female who was born in the capital city (Ankara) of Turkey on a
fuckin' snowy November of 1982. I like listening heavy metal and
wandering around as a metal head with my friends.

department by 2004 June and I am working as an English Teacher now.