Hailz Lee


Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
Hi Lee!
How one could say that... We kinda 99.9% completed what we have to complete... So errr... could you contact me please via e-mail, huh? We still have some problems so... it would be definitely better for us to get in touch asap!! I hope you are doing great
P.S. Nice forum btw...
Actually I am just back from Russia... damn 21 AD... "Hay mom I'll show up in a couple of hours! Howe come? Well I shave then I take a taxi then I take a plane Amsterdam-Moscow and then here I am... Why? Just forgot to put the keys from the hous back to the red box in the corridor...See ya later!" The best saying about that is
The roof is on its way... which is the direct translation from russian... That means: I am fucking nuts!!!!