Hair question


Free Mumia!
Sep 11, 2005
ok, In the Borknagar Epic making of video, Vintersorg has long hair.

but on the Sheol Magazine website, Summerbreeze 2004 you have short hair. So i was swondering what you actually have right now. Im confused :OMG:
Mr. V has had short hair for what?more than a year now?Anyway, obviously he must've cut his hair after the making of Epic and before Summerbreeze 2004. It ain't exactly confusing...
Oh yes! And dye some hair locks in a trendy colour! And wear only fashionable cloths, like WE/JL, it's THE brand today! And maybe a little discrete make-up! Maybe he should get a full-time stylist, I mean, N*Sync has one, don't they? And... and...

POOFS!! :D :p
I just got bored with the long hair..nothing more, nothing less..I had it for about 15-20 years I think.

mr V
Let's face it dudes, Mr. V just isn't metal anymore. I'll never forget those days discussing shampoos and which conditioners are best, but I think it's time we move on. It was fun while it lasted.
-Best Wishes
Mr. V had some cool ass hair when it was long although hair doesn't matter when you're listening to a CD. It's not like he cut his hair and his voice got higher or changed. That would be another story! Haha
Mr. V with his short hair reminds me of a wise old uncle.
I think I aksed about why he cut his hair at one point.
I remember seeing it cut, I was somewhat dissapointed, I always loved his hair. Still, aslong as he's the same good old Andreas, I couldn't give a damn about his appereance or looks.