Halfin & Shirley - a new love connection?


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
This is the sweetest thing I've read all day.

Blabbermouth said:
Legendary rock photographer Ross Halfin has slammed record producer Kevin Shirley (DREAM THEATER, IRON MAIDEN) for his "self-promotion crusade" in connection with his upcoming charity bike ride through China.

Shirley, whose "diary" postings on his web site have gotten him in trouble on at least one occasion in the past, has been making a very public effort to raise sponsorship money for the ride and has thus far managed to receive contributions from members of AEROSMITH, IRON MAIDEN and DREAM THEATER, among others.

After Shirley identified Halfin in a recent web posting as someone who has not donated money to the charity bike ride, Ross took it upon himself to respond on his own web site, calling Shirley's money-raising efforts "a self-promotion crusade, disguise[ed] as charity." Ross added, "He's [Kevin] had a good dig at me on his September diary that I've not contributed to his charity bike ride. Very strange that all his charitable contributors all seem to stem from The Sanctuary Group of Companies....Can't be anything to do with the fact that he's doing the bike ride with his best mate Rod Smallwood and he's hoping to produce the new IRON MAIDEN CD in January, who, GASP, are on Sanctuary....Wonder if his other best friend, Merck, Sanctuary CEO, is going with him.

"My view on charity is that if you're doing it, do it quietly, don't use it for self-promotion. Hope he has many flat tires on the way!

"I notice that he says that IRON MAIDEN have 'selfishly donated to the charity bike ride' — is he sure?"

In a later posting, Halfin had another dig at Shirley, stating, "Heard a rumour that Kevin Shirley is following up his bike ride with a camel ride across the Sahara with Robert Plant. They will be recording the camels for a 5.1 DVD and live album..."

Responding to Halfin's comments, Shirley wrote on his web site, "I guess it's official — Ross Halfin must be bored, as he has been reading my diary and must have nothing better to do. Guess he's trolled through all the Japanese porn sites today, gay and straight, and taken in one-too-many Korean snuff movies to lower himself to bother to read it AND then comment on it on his own ill-humored diary blog! (Actually, I love his site and won't stoop to knocking the tiny, ill-mannered, entirely unfunny oompah-loompah of a man!). See his fine work at Starfuckers Incorporated on the web! As one of you said in your e-mail, '...his writing is adequate as is his photography!' :) . . . Keeping the bike seat warm for my 'self promotional charity ride' as the Royal Halfin, would say ... and I'm sure there will be a little saddle soreness, although the only cream associated with Halfin's butt is applied for an entirely different, and slightly more selfish personal endeavor!"
I get the following impression from this - Halfin is good, Shirley is a bona fide jerk.
TinMan666 said:
someone should emailed them both that "fighting on the internet..." picture. You know the one I mean.
Yes. Yes I do.
