Halloween...in Italy...

from the Cradle

...and Justice for All
Oct 7, 2001
Halloween in Italy is a shit event, because only some person parody theirs figure...uff, umm!!!Tonight will be a shit...in Milano...:( :( :mad: :(
halloween is shit for me too, someone sent a letter to my college today complaining about people playing tricks and throwing eggs at peoples houses, as it was a letter, there was an address, i asked for it and now i might go egg her house. she doesnt live far, but other than that its gonna be boring.
Halloween in Australia is pretty much a non-event, but we did get a couple of kids in costumes come around to our house last year. I was desperately rummaging through the pantry to find something that remotely resembled candy for them, because I thought gee, if they've gone to the trouble to get dressed up and everything, it's the least I can do.

I think the commercial aspect though is something that retailers have been trying to push. If they can get Halloween to be an accepted holiday in Australia, that's more money for them in terms of candy, costumes, etc. But it's still seen as a very 'American' thing though, and I don't know if it will ever really catch on as a genuine celebration. Having said that, U.S culture seems to be creeping into all areas of Australian life these days (well, to be truthful it has been for decades), so I suppose anthing's possible.
I think Halloween is dying a bit in America as well, the past few years not many kids have showed up at my house. Including tonight.

On a sidenote, when I went trick or treating in 4th grade we went to this guy's house, and he gave us lolipops and said "And remember, "JESUS LOVES YOU! Stay away from Satan and all the other evil spirits and demons! GOD BLESS YOU!"
Originally posted by Oyo
I think Halloween is dying a bit in America as well, the past few years not many kids have showed up at my house. Including tonight.

On a sidenote, when I went trick or treating in 4th grade we went to this guy's house, and he gave us lolipops and said "And remember, "JESUS LOVES YOU! Stay away from Satan and all the other evil spirits and demons! GOD BLESS YOU!"

He was trying to trick you:p
awwww, the nicest, sweetest, most adorable kids came by tonight. last year i had all these ghetto 20-yr-olds come by with no costumes, and of course you have to give them candy because if you don't, lord knows what they'll do to you. but this year the kids were sooooo cute. they all said "thank you very much," "i like your pumpkins," "happy halloween!" yay. :loco: i remember how much i loved this holiday when i was a kid so i try to go all out and give tons of candy. :tickled: coming home and sorting it, counting it, taking inventory every day. wow, i was a dork even then. :lol:
Originally posted by Oyo
I think Halloween is dying a bit in America as well

You haven't seen Halloween in Salem. I just got back about an hour and a half ago, and it was pretty packed.

By the way, I've heard and read a number of times that Halloween is actually growing in popularity. I certainly don't mind that! I'm a Halloween freak.
If kids show at your door with the eggs, just fight back have some eggs handy and trow them back...a nice trick i learned from a friend, boil the eggs for 10 minutes and you can do serious damage to those little fucks:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Misanthrope
a nice trick i learned from a friend, boil the eggs for 10 minutes and you can do serious damage to those little fucks

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"...and there was much splitting of sides and pissing of pants." :D
I used to like Halloween, but I think it's lost its allure (thanks to the media). I like adult Halloween dress-up parties - for which this was the 1st year in 5 that I didn't host one.

We haven't had kids by our house in ages - which is OK by me. I get to keep the candy I bought for me - I mean the trick-or-treaters.