"Halo Dies" Live In Thessaloniki Download!!!


O.la K.ala
Oct 8, 2003
So family, today i uploaded "Halo Dies" live from Thessaloniki. :rock: Backing vocals are supported by Paul (Thanatos guitarist). I didn't had the time to proccess the audio but it has a good original live sound in it. :)

So everybody download and enjoy "Halo Dies Live" in mp3 format HERE
many thanks for sharing the file.. how lucky you are!!! "Halo dies" is my also my favorite song and i could not had that chance to listen to it live yet.... so this is very special now..and the recording is pretty well..
i remember talking to Kobi in Istanbul how this song can not be singed alone so you are very lucky to find at least a guy to join them on stage..
i wish i could have checked thesseloniki rewiews before the Istanbul concert (i am ashamed :( ) so that i would learn the playlist maybe and beg them to play HAlo dies also in Istanbul.. i am sure we could find easily a friend to join them..and
how i wish till my bone to be born now as a huge man just in order to have a chance luckily to growl with them on stage..

thanks a million, efharisto poli poli poli...
lachrar: I'm happy that the specific OL song in your favourite. You should start practicing your growling voice part as i wish that next time OL will visit Turkey to be naxt to Kobi singing along "Halo Dies"!!! ;) :rock: Thank you very much! (by the way your Greek are excellent. how do you say "thank you very much" in Turkish?) :)

Avi: Love you too brother and don't worry. Next time we'll fing ourselves together in an OL consert we'll headbang till we drop our head!!! :rock:

IOfTheStorm: Yeah it was really something Antonis. Hope we'll have our chance soon!!! :)
THANK YOU, Chris! It's a nice feeling having something to remember from such a great performance. I think we should consider ourselves in Greece lucky for enjoying "Halo Dies" (one of the greatest songs in "Mabool", nach meiner Meinung) live, since they didn't play it in Sofia or in Instanbul, as orphaned friend Lachrar informed us. Thanks again!
Çok teşekkür ederim Cagri!!! My turkish "LIL" teacher!!! :)

obay bringer of light: no my friend, OL did not bring a bouzouki along...but they surely brought with them their magical technics. :)

For my friends from the US: I hope from the depths of my heart, soon to have your chance of feeling the storm, flooding US!!!