Hands Free Orgasm

i bet your guy's cocks explode like a coke bottle thrown off the enpire state building.
1:06, weird shit but ill try to the whole 36 mins. afk :lol:



it sorta had an effect.. so it worked better than suspected. but the effect wasnt anything near sexual or whatever :lol: it actually made me fucking dizzy, sleepy, and even some really slight minor (well, really small) halucinations. (but this might be amplified by just being home of wacken)
I actually was so tired i couldnt get a boner no matter how hard i tried. at the end i just skipped a few minutes because i felt like i wasted too much time already :lol:

tl;dr: worked a bit, but not in the way it should :lol:

im off to bed, this shit made me sleepy as FUCK :lol:
Well, I just watched 20 minutes of it, lol'd and rolled my eyes, and closed it. Might have to do with the fact that she looks horrible and fat :lol:.

Someone that does what she tells you to, could probably be hypnotized though. Anyways.