Happiness and its effect on society...


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
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It is my belief that as long as society remains fucked up and unfair, happiness is an enemy. When you think you are happy with your life and how things are going, you tend to ignore the numerous societal problems that threaten us. As more and more people buy into the whole happiness thing, we are tricked into believing that society is indeed fine and will magically get better without our intervention. We ignore the serious problems and do nothing to fix them.

While we live happily in our little sheltered worlds, the real world around us turns to shit and it'll keep getting worse until we all wake up and realize that our happiness is an illusion, a simple defense mechanism.

The sad thing is that in today's world this is perfectly acceptable. You get depressed, you go to a shrink, get a prescription for Prozac and gulp that shit down. This is just masking the problem and not dealing with it. If we don't examine the society we live in and try to identify the real problem, we accomplish nothing.

So I guess what I'm saying is it kinda bothers me to see how ignorant people, and especially teenagers, are in regards to what discussed above. It just pisses me off to meet morons that do nothing but talk about meaningless bullshit and giggle all day. It feels like 90% of the people I come in contact with are like that. I'm not saying that making jokes or having a good time with your buddies is bad, just that your attitude towards society should be relative to society's attitude towards you. We're all getting the shaft and smiling about it.

Now reply and tell me how long you think this post is going to stay on the first page. Winner gets a death metal hug.
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Its almost maddening what we must do in order just to exist...i mean just look at what you do everyday just to exist! its fucking ridiculous! Human beings cant just live, they have to worry about money, insurance, taxes, house payments, etc...i ask, WHY THE FUCK DOES ALL OF THAT PETTY NONSENSE MATTER?! i mean why do we kill ourselves because we cant make enough money? whatever happened to just living? that goes with being happy...i cant be happy knowing humanity and society demand these things of me when i cant possibly supply them! i mean, i wont be able to pay this or that! i cant possibly fathom wanting to do any of that! i mean its just so ridiculous to me we have to sacrifice so much of our time and energy just to go on living.....
yep. the problem is gigly ignorant teens stay that way forever, but young pissed off idialistic kids turn into disillusioned apathetic misanthropes like me. ive given in to our warped society. my ideals are dead. i dont give a fuck about anything that i cant control so i drink and smoke too much and try not to think about it. guess im not part of the solution. shrug.
Guerrilla said:
Now reply and tell me how long you think this post is going to stay on the first page. Winner gets a death metal hug.
long enough to be read. now death metal \o/. thank you.
Hopefully this will stick around for a while. What's ironic is how one of this giggly, ignorant types will react if/when their perky worldview gets shattered. You'd think the world had ended from the panic and denial. Suddenly that person is vicitimized, it's not their fault, someone else did it. The same people who sue you for making them fat because you sold burgers with fat in them, or would break into your house to steal your shit and becauses they tripped on a lamp cord, you get slapped with a medical bill.

Life is good, so long as you obey, so long as you take your pills, so long as you don't question doubt, or think. And if something goes wrong, it's not your fault, you're a victim.

Unlike Neil, I didn't entirely lose my idealism. On the other hand, I'm convinced the best thing that could happen to people is a huge cataclysm. Something violent, destructive, and hopefully causing horribly disfiguring mutations.
Misanthropy is the way to be. Yay! To tell the truth, I have a sense of humor not unlike that of George Carlin about life.
Life isn't an illusion, it's a game you must play. The only thing society has really done is changed our routines.

Instead of having to kill or forage for food, you can just go to safeway. All the rudimentary needs of humans have been altered. You no longer worry about where to find our next meal, only how you will pay for it.

Life is just a silly game... silly games usually suck. My point? uh.... :err:

*shuts up and lets someone else say something* :loco:
neal said:
yep. the problem is gigly ignorant teens stay that way forever, but young pissed off idialistic kids turn into disillusioned apathetic misanthropes like me. ive given in to our warped society. my ideals are dead. i dont give a fuck about anything that i cant control so i drink and smoke too much and try not to think about it. guess im not part of the solution. shrug.

You sounded like me there...

I got old pretty quickly... by old I mean disillusioned! I paid for everything in my life... since my first high school year... Having to worry about money gets you "old" too quickcly!
Ray Charles = God, and could kick Stevie's ass.

Yes, Guerilla, I completely agree. Although, I find that society is more numb than happy. Today's youth has been desensitized in most every way. As far as the depression pandemic goes, I also agree. Considering everyone has "problems" these days, it makes a mockery of the few who actually suffer from emotional/mental disorders. I say fuck it all. It's reasons like this that I don't include my self in mainstream society (for the most part) and I will continue to do so. On behalf of teenagers worldwride, I say, we are young and fucking retarded. Apologies, my fellow board mates.


To think we will rule the world someday... :erk:

(Heh, our own country is already ran by a child)​
Uh.... well

I'm rather happy... I go to a good school, get good enough grades, have cool friends, girl i like... etc...
And i'm pretty sure that i am rather aware of problems that need to be solved... like ignorance and prejudice, etc...

Also, it seems like the most unhappy misanthropic people are the ones who do the least to solve problems, having a pessimist view that nothing can be solved. It doesn't matter if you are aware of problems if you do nothing to solve them. Thats as good as being oblivious to them, only less innocent.

Its ridiculous to think that just because one is content with themselves and their lives, that they will suddenly turn a blind eye to the world.... it just doesn't work like that.
Wolftribe said:
Uh.... well

I'm rather happy... I go to a good school, get good enough grades, have cool friends, girl i like... etc...
And i'm pretty sure that i am rather aware of problems that need to be solved... like ignorance and prejudice, etc...

Also, it seems like the most unhappy misanthropic people are the ones who do the least to solve problems, having a pessimist view that nothing can be solved. It doesn't matter if you are aware of problems if you do nothing to solve them. Thats as good as being oblivious to them, only less innocent.

Its ridiculous to think that just because one is content with themselves and their lives, that they will suddenly turn a blind eye to the world.... it just doesn't work like that.
Yeah it does work like that. If you have no problems in your life, lots of money, etc. why would you look past your happy world and acknowledge the millions of people living in misery.

The "most unhappy misanthropic people" were probably not born hating the world. They've come to be misanthropic through their experiences and interaction with society. In today's individualistic society with an "every man for himself" mentality that makes you feel helpless, I don't blame anyone for giving up and stop trying. Unlike happy, ignorant people though, these unhappy misanthropes are aware of the problems. This might not mean that they'll all get together and start a revolution, however as more and more people become unhappy and miserable, the chances of us all waking up and getting our asses out there and doing something about it increase.

Will anything like that happen on a massive scale any time soon? No way. But at least if you can't change society for the better, you can make it even more shitty and miserable, open more people's eyes and wait for everybody to get pissed off. That's where these unhappy misanthropes fit into this whole thing. On the other hand, "happy" people with an understanding of the world's problems can continue their crusades, trying to right wrongs. Nothing will be accomplished on such a small scale. But if you feel you are helping, well whatever floats your boat.