Happy 06/06/06!!!

I read this this morning, in reference to yesterday's "666 Day". Apparently this was printed in the national newspaper in Norway! :)

Life in Black
ENSLAVED - "6.6. 2006 Is A Day In The Name Of Metal And It Will Be Celebrated With Beer, Loud And Brutal Music"
2006-06-06 22:36:06

ENSLAVED guitarist Ivar Bjørson has posted the following letter (which was originally posted in Norwegian as a blog for the national newspaper Aftenposten) at the band's official website:

"I don't take it too seriously, but it is a good-looking number. It looks like there's a lot of celebration today, with numerous gigs here in Norway and there is the a re-issue of Omen.

Let's ask the first big question: Has Norway gone mad? Yes, thankfully it seems to be a movement in that direction. Extreme metal is in the newspapers, the radio, on TV, and last but not least; on the big festivals.

The second big question: Is there a difference between extreme metal and black metal? Yupp! In my band, who plays extreme metal the Satan-factor is zero, meaning no black metal.

Thirdly: Has extreme metal finally bent its neck and become mundane? No, and I want to be clear here; it is the folks out there that have gradually opened up for it! I have to add that the genre itself has learnt a thing or two about production, communication during the course of the years. What is more natural than seeking art forms expressing the dark, the frightening, the aggressive, death and the Great Beyond/ The Metaphysical? Isn't this also a part of (our) nature? Why should the happy and positive feelings be the only ones allowed to be expressed in art? No one can argue that it is good mental health to suppress integral parts of the human mind? Well, I guess there are some people do, and while I'm at it:

Isn't it about time abolishing the (Norwegian) State Church once and for all? To be honest, I find it quite embarrassing to be a part of a system where people are locked up for believing that they are Napoleon, while at the same time there’s hassle becoming Prime Minister even though you believe the world was “created” in six days by some huge guy with beard that also decides everything and knows what we’re all thinking all the time.

It is of course important to have something to believe in, but what about believing a bit more in ourselves? We should be giving ourselves some credit for the creative abilities, spirit, stamina, guts and strength required to survive in a brutal world! It is scary to read descriptions from totalitarian regimes and hearing about Islam and terror, but we should not forget our own back yard. Some of our Christian newspaper editors have a more complex motivation than just pure humanity in their dealings with Islam. Their actions to ensure “our” freedom of speech can be described as an injection of pestilence as a vaccine for cholera.

The problem with the monotheistic world religions is the lack of philosophic, moral, ethic flexibility, and the absence of balance. The way good, old Christen-Norway views women is worth a blog on its own (we’ll get back to that sometime!)

6.6. 2006 is a day in the name of metal, and it will be celebrated with beer, loud and brutal music and some deep thoughts around 1000 years of suppression.

The Next Thousand Years Are Ours!"

Pretty cool, IMO! + The new Enslaved is awesome! :worship:
Wow. He makes a lot of very good points.

I wish that could have been printed in our national paper as well! This is a great article for both metal and non-metal fans alike!

For the non-metal fans, it will open their eyes a bit. It will be a great day for music, and Western culture in general, when people start to realize that not every band with "extreme" vocals is satanic.

And it will be an even better day for Western culture when people will, as Ivar said, start believing more in themselves and their abilities and less in 'some huge guy with a beard who "created" the earth in six days and knows at all times what we are thinking.'

And that day will come. Like Ivar said, "The Next Thousand Years Are Ours!"
From the Miasma said:
Wow. He makes a lot of very good points.

I wish that could have been printed in our national paper as well! This is a great article for both metal and non-metal fans alike!

For the non-metal fans, it will open their eyes a bit. It will be a great day for music, and Western culture in general, when people start to realize that not every band with "extreme" vocals is satanic.

Not to sound harsh, but no it wont. Don't take this as a flame, because it is not intended as such. People are set in their ways and most "non-metal" fans (by which, I mean Christians, etc.) will write an article as such off. Why? Because it's from a heavy metal artist of course. People don't view metal as a legitimate artform and they view metalheads and artists as one-dimentional cretins without the ability to think critically and be intelligent.

As great as that little article was and how much it sums up my own Existentialist beliefs, people are idiots and they will immediately write the opinion off as soon as they see it's from someone in the metal community.

Not to mention, metal is equated with Satanism no matter what. I have an Aunt whom is extremely religious. We get along really great, she's my favorite Aunt, but she doesn't understand metal. Some years ago she told me that all metal is satanic and when I tried to explain to her that it was largely black metal which has satanic overtones (and even then, it's mostly just a show,) she would not believe me and just wrote me off without listening to my argument.

But, I think all this relates to why many of us really love metal. It's OUR subculture. People might write us off as idiots, but they really have no idea what they're missing. They miss the dynamic,--what other genre of music has EIGHT MILLION other subgenres to choose from--intelligent, philosophical aspects of metal and constantly misjudge what great people metalheads are (most metalheads of course.) Metalheads are some of the most fraternal people on earth (with the exception of those damnable nu-metallers :lol:) and not many will ever understand that. But that is half the fun; being a "kept-down" group of people, so we can bitch about how people don't understand us and our musical choice.
Smoof said:
Not to sound harsh, but no it wont. Don't take this as a flame, because it is not intended as such.
Haha, don't worry. There's nothing wrong with having a good discussion, man.

You're right, a lot of people ARE quite set in their ways (Christians, etc.) and you can't expect them to change their views. Most of them are happy as clams believing in a god that makes all their choices for them! And if a person is happy with what they believe in, then why would they ever want to change that? No one wants to be unhappy. These people's eyes are sewn so tightly shut that nothing will ever open them.

It's the younger generations whose eyes it will open. Eyes which--because of the explosion of media in our generation (namely the internet)--are no longer shielded from all the things their Christian parents and grandparents had been shielded from during the years that shaped their own personalities and beliefs. Because of this, the younger generations of today are now much more free to become their own selves, rather than to be thrown in a mold and come out just like their parents, and their parents before them!

And I mean, let's be real, I don't expect any of these changes (like society accepting that not all metal is satanic, etc) to happen overnight. Nor do I expect it to encompass the entire population. Nor do I want it to! One of the things I love most about metal is, like you said, the brotherhood metalheads have. Any time I'm in HMV, whenever there are 2 people in front of the metal section, whether they know each other or not, they are always chatting. It doesn't matter who they are, they're brothers (and sisters too, of course :cool:). But really though, the point I was trying to make was that the world would be a better place if people started believing more in themselves and in their abilities than in a book written 2000 years ago.
Going to have to disagree with one point you make. About the younger generations, I'm not entirely sure. I'm going to be 22 in a mont here (shit, a month.) and so far the people I've met that have been my age who are religious are generally close minded as well. I had a job a while ago where we had quite a few Christians right around my age and they were just as set in their ways as anyone else.

I think it has less to do with a generational thing and more with people who are more willing to think for themselves and not accept the norms. Someone who is willing to question "authority." It seems that close minded people are born that way and they will not change. However, I think there are plenty out there who are more willing to accept new facets of life and culture, regardless of their religion or not. I hope I got that across well enough, I'm rather tired and when I get that way, I have difficulty making my point.

Eitherway, I think a lot of people, open minded or not view metal as more "noise" than anything else. I would generally say that most people don't even wonder whether or not if metal is Satanic, but more often, they wonder how people (us) can really listen to it, when it's just "noise."

But you do make a good point on people discovering and having their eyes opened by the internet. I know if it weren't for the internet, I wouldn't have such the vast metal collection I have today. But as I stated before, I think it has to do with people having an open mind to begin with. However, I think many people are conditioned by the media and popular culture to not think openly. To go off on a bit of a tangent here, corperate America benefits off keeping people dumb and ignorant. I think most people are conditioned to think metal is nothing but noise, because when people hear "Heavy Metal" in modern terms, they immediately think _Slipknot_ or _Limp Bizkit_ rather than realizing that metal musicians are some of the most talented people on earth.

Huh, I think this post was rather random. I'm not going to bother reading through it because I actually put SOME thought into it and if I read through it, I'm going to end-up deleting it because it makes no sense. As stated, I'm rather tired and thus, this post might not make a whole lot of sense. I'll post some more when I'm at work tomorrow and then I can actually post something that is coherent :p