Happy belated birthday Coops!

hehe not quite Troops:cry:

But thanks guys. Twas a pretty good b'day because on friday night I attended the Maiden Mania gig here in Perth where 4 local bands ripped Maiden classics such as The Evil That Men Do, Man On The Edge, Wasted Years, The Trooper, Running Free, Can I Play With Madness, Run To The Hills, Aces High, Fear of The Dark, The Number of The Beast and Hallowed Be Thy Name :headbang:
Originally posted by Cooperman
hehe not quite Troops:cry:

But thanks guys. Twas a pretty good b'day because on friday night I attended the Maiden Mania gig here in Perth where 4 local bands ripped Maiden classics such as The Evil That Men Do, Man On The Edge, Wasted Years, The Trooper, Running Free, Can I Play With Madness, Run To The Hills, Aces High, Fear of The Dark, The Number of The Beast and Hallowed Be Thy Name :headbang:

Oh my god, I cant believe you didnt invite me! :D