Wow, I,m just so chuffed that I got a Birthday mention... thank you so much. Birthdays nowadays are a bit dull, but this has really made my b'day weekend, a genuine surprise.
Let me explain my abscence....
I just got tired of the life I was leading, really stuck in a rut, so instead of just moaning about it I actully did something about it. Packed my job in, got a job in London and moved there. Lifes still not great but it pays more and has better scenery.
The big drawback however, I don't have internet access hence I can't post as much as I would like. Only when I come home to pick up I mean to see my loving parents will I post. I am working on getting connected, won't be long....
I like the idea of Thraxdude doing some Thraxsquad, maybe he can help suggest what Metal Maiden can be wearing in part 3.......
Talking of the dude, does he have some sort of harem now.....
Happy birthday to all the other september babies, and Dutchy think back 9 months tis the season to be jolly........and randy.
ps, I now work for Budweiser so free drinks on me....