Happy Birthday Brent

No drunken behavior from Brent on his birthday, sorry to say.

He did rack up on the presents though. He was such a good boy this year:Smokedev:
Happy B-Day (belated), dude.

My birthday is this week as well. I'll be 30 on Thursday. Can't fucking wait.:rolleyes:
I hear ya Thrax Dude...I turn 30 at the end of the month. That's such a horrible sounding number. 29 sounds so much better!

Anyway, happy birthday Brentney!
Hey Brent....you old fuckin goat!!!!

Give us some news on the Thrax, the album cover, blah blah blah.....give us something........something........

By the way......Happy B-day.........you old fuckin goat.

John Bush = Metal
Brent = Old

j/c.....I am older than you so I have the right to rag....hahaha