Happy birthday Charis!

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Everyone, it's time to wish a happy birthday to Charis, one of the lovely ladies of the SX forum.

:kickass: Get partying!

P.S. - For your gift, I'm going to fly to Australia and we can go clubbing and go b2c. :lol:
Waitaminute, waitaminute, waitaminute....

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.... am I a day early?:blush:

Shit, how do you delete a thread? This sucks. I never started a birthday thread and I was all excited to be the first to realize it was Charis's birthday, hahaha.
IT'S MY BDAY IN AN HOUR!!! YAY, thankyou Jeff!!!!!! What a lovely surprise, I didn't expect to get on the forum and see this!! :blush:

Awww I love you guys!!! and no I'm not turning 30!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Can't wait to go B2C with you Jeffro, just get Meltdown to start touring Aussieland!!! :p
DAMNIT yu guys! you are a day early! i was gonna do this tomorrow. Charis... the girl who completed my valentines day! happy birthday love!
Thankyou so much everyone! I can't believe I've been on this forum for like 5 years now!!!!

As much as Symphony X will always be a part of my life as being one of my first major metal inspirations, I would have moved on long ago if it weren't for all you guys who keep me coming back to annoy you! *sniff* I love you guys!

And Zach, yeah I remember you were just 17 when we started talking, where do the years go!