Happy Birthday Delize!


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Happy Birthday Dee!

Happy B-day Dee!!! we share the same B-day date, i just turned 38 today and i'll be celebrating with friends and at 8 pm band practice we have a gig in tijuana mexico at the Rock & Roll dungeon saturday to celebrate me, my cover band Alchemy will do a set of classic metal, accept,saxon,maiden,motorhead,
priest and many more :kickass:
Thanks everyone!:D Thanks Wyv for remembering me! :)

And Happy Birthday Flavio! :)
Am I too late??? (Again.)
Happy Birthday Dee & Flavio! - Hope you're both too drunk to read this.

Wish you both all the best through the coming year.
Thanks Powermetal Rebel!

No you aren't too late! Birthdays today Dec 21. Nope, I'm not drunk! :)
It seems I am late for another birthday... hope it was a good one! :Smokin:
Thanks Psychonaut! I hope you're enjoying the holidays.

One thing good about being born on the 21st. of Dec...my birthday celebrating just keeps on going into the New Year! :)