Happy Birthday Martin!!!!! \m/


This is Not an Exit
Oct 19, 2001
Well, everyone wish a big happy birthday to everyones favorite MC, Martin :grin:

Happy birthday my friend and good luck on the record! Keep up the good work and we all look forward to many years of you and Skyfire ;)

:hotjump: :hotjump: :rock: :rock: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Happy Birthday!!!
Best wishes from here

Happy birthday.. but Im guessing Im a day late or something!
anyway... you are just getting older and older and soon you'll be dead! :loco: Hope everything is allright with you and your head dont hurt ;) BYE!!
Thanks everyone!! :rock:
my birthday was alright
could have been more beer involved but i guess we had more important things to do so...:P
btw...im back again in my appartment here in Växjö (school really sucks when u think about it =/ ) so i will not take part in the mixing work of the album. But i think the guys and tommy will manage just fine ! =)

Personally i really like the new album. As jonas said, its much more varied with better song structures than TD, but at the same time, im not sure of that all fans of TD will agree with me.
Sure, you´ll here the old skyfire influences, but at the same time we´ve added faster metal riffs (without keys) and even some black metal parts.

well....i guess we´ll just have to wait and see :P
take care!