Happy Birthday Michael!!!

cheers michael-a toast to the creator of the legend of the bone carver! us fans have been blessed with your powerful & creative music (2 cd.s)all the best-happy birthday! muz.
Happy Belated Birthday Michael!

Question, why wasn't there another forum contest for winning a copy of the new album like the debut? Reason being I want to win a copy of the new one like I did Melancholy Beast on the forum :)
aha, we're less than a year apart...I turned 30 in January...enjoy your 20s while they last ;)

Hey, mrhockey...haven't seen you around anywhere in a while...been busy with the Marines or something?
Iced Dog said:
aha, we're less than a year apart...I turned 30 in January...enjoy your 20s while they last ;)

Hey, mrhockey...haven't seen you around anywhere in a while...been busy with the Marines or something?

Nice to see you around again, its been since Tobi's IE forums, I think. But yeah, I'm a regular on the Megadeth boards, just found these forums a few days ago, seems pretty cool, obviously I love Pyramaze and Dark Tranquillity, so I'm gonna be browsing their forums often from now on.

But yes, I joined the Marines almost 2 years ago, went to boot camp June 27th of 2005, got back from all that like last december (great IE song), now I'm going to college at Western Michigan University, and going to Iraq in June.

What's been going on with you?
I second that...good luck. I've been good...workin', drinkin', and listenin' to metal :kickass: Yeah, the Iced Realm has gone under...but a bunch of us now hang out at the Winterfell board...kinda funny.