Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey www.facebook.com May 13, 2005 #1
Mormagil bring back the corvee Jul 29, 2004 2,692 9 38 California May 13, 2005 #2 i thought he was dead
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland May 13, 2005 #3 while I think that once you die, you should stop celebrating birthdays and start celebrating death days... if the US goverment wants to celebrate George Washington's Birthday, then Will can celebrate Chuck's birthday.
while I think that once you die, you should stop celebrating birthdays and start celebrating death days... if the US goverment wants to celebrate George Washington's Birthday, then Will can celebrate Chuck's birthday.
Furious B Member Aug 9, 2002 2,740 8 38 MPLS May 13, 2005 #5 It's funny that he was in a band called Death and then he died.
cthulufhtagn Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago Jul 19, 2004 7,665 50 48 south of washington May 13, 2005 #6 *salutes*