Happy Birthday Princess !!


Nov 25, 2005
London, England
Happy Birthday, Princess !!!!

Hope you have a great roooooooooooccccccccccccckkkkkkking time and enjoy celebrating your Special Day in true style !!!! :kickass: :kickass:


Happy Birthday! I think I have to celebrate it by eating something good today. chicken and mushrooms? MMmm... yeah, I think I'll do that.
Happy birthday Princess, hope you have a good 'un! :) I've got two questions for ya - how does Goss know it's your birthday (I might start some rumours! :lol: ), and where the f**k have you been recently?? You've been missed on the board.
Thanks for all the good birthday wishes my sweet Saxon chums:grin: . Was out celebrating my birthday last night and have spent most of today nursing a ragin hangover. I canny handle the alcohol like I used to - I must be getting old lol!!!!
Yes! A belated Happy birthday Princess

What prezzies did you get? Diamond Head / Budgie memorabilia by any chance :lol:
Thanks again for all the birthday wishes.

Saxonized - I got loads of pressies, some boring stuff from my parents like a new kitchen table & chairs, perfume and bubble bath, jewellery from my sister etc. I also got the new Wolfmother and The Answer albums and I'm seeing The Answer next month and also Wolfmother in November, so that will be superb.

No Diamond Head or Budgie stuff BUT I AM SEEING BUDGIE IN 9 DAYS TIME, so that'll be another excuse to celebrate my birthday, me seeing one of my fav bands.

Got loads of cash as well, so treated myself to this wee beauty from ebay:-


Coffee has never tasted soooooooo good as it does whilst drinking it out of an Angel Witch mug:rock:

Dan - I don't think I'll be able to make the Waysted gig now, after getting rid of my horrendous hangover, I'm now loaded with the flu and feeling pretty lousy with no energy, if I feel better I'll be there but I doubt it very much.
Sammi951 said:
how does Goss know it's your birthday

LOL I've been wondering that as well Sammi - I've got no idea how Goss knew it was my birthday. I was half expecting him to appear at my door with a huge surprise for me but unfortunately he didn't arrive. Maybe next year then eh Goss:grin: