Happy Birthday Sara

heeeey !thank you all so much! eize surprise!:oops:
this drink will be for all of you :kickass:
and next one together in Holyland:headbang:

its just 6 days left mwaaaaah!!!

Oceans of love
naah...I speak a lot more than 6 languages if you look at it this way but I know very little of each language

I'm fluent only in hebrew, english and russian(which is entirely not unusual when having 20% of Israel speak russian) and I know some french and swedish because I learned at home and in school...
italian and spanish are similar to french with easier gramatics...norweigain and dansih are pretty close to swedish and polish and ukrainian are a lot like russian.I learn new languages by associating(I said ass) with stuff i already know...it's also an easy way to remember things.

but seriously there's nothing special about me...apart from being one of not many people who knows some scandinavian language in Israel.
Now Nathalie here speaks at least 4 languages fluently that would be dutch,english,german and french and I'm sure she knows more...
we have a lot of people in the forum that learned hebrew pretty well like Yannick and Sara and Geri...

we're all just this huge multilingual community here in the orphaned forum

the reason i'm speacial is...
أنَا إلَهي جَهَنَّم

but don't tell anyone:lol: