Happy Birthday To ME !!

Poison God Machine

Oct 23, 2004
Bennington, VT
Well, it is also officially my 25th birthday today (Dec 18). Ahh, the pain of having my birthday so close to Christmas.

I don't know what I'll be doing later, but I hope to maybe do something with my mom and dad, and maybe even have my first taste of alcohol for the year after I get out of work tonight. And yes, I am going to work today, because I do not want to miss two paychecks in one pay period, because Christmas also falls on a work day for me, and of course I'll have that day off.

Ok, with all the ranting out of the way, shower me with gifts!
Happy birthday ya asda!!
Enjoy the daysef or days off.
I cuntfuse you with that punk Pois..

Enjoy your time off

BTW Tempo is the best thrash album in the last 14 years