Happy Birthday to me!!!


Wise in the ways of metal
Nov 10, 2002
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Today is my birthday and I will celebrate it by getting drunk, getting laid and listening to all of Testament's albums in chronological order. I also claim the title of the oldest Testament fan in this forum, I am 37 years old today. All must bow before me! Unless someone else challanges my title and admits to being older.
desert_demon said:
Today is my birthday and I will celebrate it by getting drunk, getting laid and listening to all of Testament's albums in chronological order. I also claim the title of the oldest Testament fan in this forum, I am 37 years old today. All must bow before me! Unless someone else challanges my title and admits to being older.

I hope you totally enjoyed your birthday! :tickled: I hate to burst your bubble, but on July 17th I will be 55 . . . so I guess I am the oldest Testament fan in this forum.

:headbang: :Shedevil: :headbang:
Metal4Mom said:
I hope you totally enjoyed your birthday! :tickled: I hate to burst your bubble, but on July 17th I will be 55 . . . so I guess I am the oldest Testament fan in this forum.

I stand corrected! I must bow before you! Thank you for your wishes, and it just goes to show that age is just a number and metal can be enjoyed by everyone.