Happy Birthday Wicked!

Look what these little man have done for you: :grin:

Step 1:
Get your self some 1.5" rolling papers and plenty of your favorite "ingredients"

Step 2:
Get your paper ready, and prep your ingredients.

Step 3:
Put the ingridients in the paper.

Step 4:
Make sure you have enough ingredients to fill the paper, add a filter if your inclined to do so (but I wouldn't)

Step 5:
Roll up the paper, discarding any/all excess paper.

Step 6:
Fire it up and enjoy!

Happy Birthday
Well, all my birthday plans basically fell with a thud. I was supposed to hang out with a couple friends. Well, they never called and never showed up. So, here i was totally free for my birthday, no school, no chores(my mom left me off the hook today), with nothing to do. So, what did I do? Well, I drank by myself(really depressing....), got a great, heavy buzz going on. I turned on the Priest "Electric Eye" DVD and watched it with booze in my hand and in my system. I then went to sleep watching some VH1 "Driven" episode about Paula Abdul, woke up two hours later, dizzier than before.

The only high point of today was that A.) the home was all mine today. My mom was at the doctors office all day, so i could sing all the Priest songs i wanted, singing off key but hitting those high notes! And B.) I got my Megadeth shirt i won off ebay today. And that's it.

Happy Birthday to me.

And i just checked the time Jonny set up this thread and he was just 5 MINUTES over the exact time I was born on, which is 5:35AM. That's just creepy.
Wicked Child said:
Well, all my birthday plans basically fell with a thud. I was supposed to hang out with a couple friends. Well, they never called and never showed up. So, here i was totally free for my birthday, no school, no chores(my mom left me off the hook today), with nothing to do. So, what did I do? Well, I drank by myself(really depressing....), got a great, heavy buzz going on. I turned on the Priest "Electric Eye" DVD and watched it with booze in my hand and in my system. I then went to sleep watching some VH1 "Driven" episode about Paula Abdul, woke up two hours later, dizzier than before.

Well we were with you in spirit Nik !! We love you man !!

Wicked Child said:
Well, all my birthday plans basically fell with a thud. I was supposed to hang out with a couple friends. Well, they never called and never showed up. So, here i was totally free for my birthday, no school, no chores(my mom left me off the hook today), with nothing to do. So, what did I do? Well, I drank by myself(really depressing....), got a great, heavy buzz going on. I turned on the Priest "Electric Eye" DVD and watched it with booze in my hand and in my system. I then went to sleep watching some VH1 "Driven" episode about Paula Abdul, woke up two hours later, dizzier than before.

The only high point of today was that A.) the home was all mine today. My mom was at the doctors office all day, so i could sing all the Priest songs i wanted, singing off key but hitting those high notes! And B.) I got my Megadeth shirt i won off ebay today. And that's it.

Happy Birthday to me.

And i just checked the time Jonny set up this thread and he was just 5 MINUTES over the exact time I was born on, which is 5:35AM. That's just creepy.

hahahahhaha Just wait till you get older nick birthdays just suck hahahahah atleast mine, there just another reminder that I'm gettin old hahahaha ..... I have always had a nack with timing hahahahahha
well, thanks all. I'm gonna try to make up for it on the weekend. And forget the fact that my application to get an on-air shift on the school station for the summer was denied today. Things just get better and better, don't they!?
Wicked Child said:
well, thanks all. I'm gonna try to make up for it on the weekend. And forget the fact that my application to get an on-air shift on the school station for the summer was denied today. Things just get better and better, don't they!?
wtf?-they got lots of talent at your school wicked one?
someone there not like you or something.

never mind fella,always other stuff to do! ;)
baldyboy said:
wtf?-they got lots of talent at your school wicked one?
someone there not like you or something.

never mind fella,always other stuff to do! ;)
you must have a C or higher in the class. I had a C-. I would;ve gotten at least a B or so, had it not been for a couple things i wasn't able to do. Motherfuckers changing the password on the computer in the newsroom, so i can't get to my news copy and do my weekly newscast on the air, and fucking idiots locking themselves out of the station with keys in it . I lost points because of those morons and now i can't get a shift on the fucking station!!!