Happy Devils Night!

Happy Devils night everyone. Is anyone watching "Ghost Adventures live" on the Travel Channel tonight? They're investigating the "Trans-Allegheny Lunitic Asylum" in Weston, WV. This building is only about a 20 minute drive from my house, and I've visited there on past Halloween nights. It's quite disturbing to say the least. So far the team have found some pretty interesting stuff. They will be broadcasting live until 3 AM EST. Definitely worth checking out.​
I am DVRing it. It still irks me how spirits get all camera shy and yet reveal themselves to other random people all the time. The coolest thing I have seen on Ghost Adventures before was the pilot where they were inside that old hospital and something tossed the brick into the air and they took off screaming (not that I blame them). I'm very interested in the Paranormal but yet if I really saw anything myself, I'd be terrified. One of the only reasons I love Halloween though is because it's the one time of year where I don't feel like such a freak for loving spiders.
I can't take the spiders but I love Halloween and have a vested interest in the paranormal. Being scientifically minded, At times I'm quite skeptical, but after a few visits to that hospital, I started believing there's more to this world than our human senses can detect. Maybe one day we will be able to answer the grad question and know what dwells beyond death.:zombie:
hehe it's cool, I know 95% of the world is deathly scared of spiders. Though I'd rather wake up with 500 tarantulas crawling on me than see a single ghost floating at the foot of my bed. :p

So what paranormal events did you personally experience at that hospital? I, personally, would never have the guts to go "ghost hunting" myself.
Wasn't really ghost hunting, they give tours year round and have special events on Halloween. When we were in solitary there was a really weird felling that came over me, it's almost like static electricity. I was instantly terrified, but it was over quickly. A few others felt it too. But there were other times I was there and I felt nothing. So I don't know if it was maybe a placebo effect, or something else. The whole place is just fucking creepy, but I love being scared.

We were going to go back tomorrow night but were unable to get tickets, so were going to wait for the winter solstice insted.
I walk out to go to work this morning about 2 am and my little brother and his friend (18 yrs old) were kneeling in front of the pumkin he'd made in the middle of our driveway. when he saw that i saw them he stoped and was extremly embarassed, they were both wearing some rabbit pelts on their sweatshirt, i think they were doing some crazy pagan ritual or something!
I think an asylum is a perfect place to visit for those who believe in ghosts.
