Happy Father's Day!!

Thanks Brat!!!! I got a cool present. The Anthrax Behind The Music happened to be on, so Hunter and I got to watch that together this morning. What else could I ask for on my first Fathers Day?
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Happy Father's Day Aug, Armored Thrax, one man stands, NFF and anyone else who's got kids.


Thank you bRaTpRiNcEsS! It was a great day! My Mother and Father came down from Wyoming to me and my families new house we just bought! Ofcourse my dad did the normal looking around and making suggestions on the house, and he bought me a robo grip wrench and a hammer for fathers day.


I got my dad a great little device to help anticipate wind direction, crosswind, and distance to flag when golfing, along with a bottle of Belvedere, and then I said "I'd love to hang, but I'm going w/ my rock'n'roll lifestyle friends to Cleveland for a show" He said, "get drunk and drive really fast."