Happy Festivus!

(Merged with my Xmas Thread)

Post your shenanigans and/or what you got.

What I got:

75 dollars in Amazon gift cards
Free car washes (I am content with these every Xmas)
A grey pullover I can wear to work

What I got with the Amazon gift cards:

2 x XLR to 0.25" jack
XLR cable (so I can hook my acoustic snare to my e-kit)
Metal Evolution DVD
Summoning - Stronghold
Animals as Leaders - The Joy of Motion
Frank Zappa - Zoot Allures
The History of Vikings book
Mass Effect trilogy for PS3
Whiplash on Blu-Ray
6th Expansion for Cards Against Humanity
Megadeth t-shirt
I doubt I'm gonna get many things this year. I got my dad a smartwatch though so that's cool.
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I got This badass


Few clothing items, couple giftcards, NCIS Season 12

And 2 of these lamps

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Merry Christmas fuckers!

I am drunk and full of junk food, my brother bought me a killer Star Wars (1977) gin mug! Oh and I also have hat hair from this Christmas hat.

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Here it comes bitches campari the drink for christmas. Cheers.

Sinead o Connor is in town motherfuckers!!! Drinkin her lady drink!


EDIT: Last one before I leave to the hills. It's a lady drink.

Merry Christmas!

I actually have to still do last minute Christmas shopping because i was extra lazy this year and put things off.

Also, I have a coquito dealer and i'm about to finish off a half gallon of coquito with Hennessy. Life rules.
Mum's trifle yesterday. Pretty damn impressive. I also got a bunch of cool shit and ate and drank myself into a stupor.
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