Happy fucking new year indeed.

Apr 17, 2006
The northlands of Holland.
I never use fireworks anymore, but this year i thought what the hell and bought a couple of roman candles.

So i light one yesterday, then the fucker EXPLODED. Result is 2 peeping ears.

Still have trouble hearing high tones, any idea when it will get back?

Anyways happy new year! Hopefully a good year for metal!
Hard to tell, sorry. Might want to see a doctor.

I've had some problems with explosives and firearms in the past (gotta love the States), worst I had to deal with was about two days of ringing but then it went away.

If you aren't noticing any improvement you should most certainly get it checked out.

The ringing or TTS (temporary threshold shift) is the body saying "hey, idiot - don't do that again" but this should subside after a few days. Our ears are able to rebound after a single loud sound event (lasting <1s @ >120dB). What our ears can't tolerate is a sustained loud sound, (like reverberating machine gun fire in a small cement room) which can result in damaged stereocilia, or the organ of corti could be ripped right off the basilar membrane, which is hidden deep within the bowels of the cochleae.

I'd say you're in the clear.