Happy Holiday season and Happy New Year


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Since Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season here, I'd like to be the first to wish everybody a happy holiday seaon and a happy new year.:)
BAH! (Hoser says, "humbug" following close on his tongue, but electing not to come out)

I care less and less about Christmas every year - I mean, yes, there's always a time when I truly do enjoy the aspect of closeness to family, the general emotional positivity, etc., but let's face it - the holiday season begins on Dec. 26! (Boxing Day, to many non-Americans)

It's one big consumerfest (I'm guessing everybody is already aware that the image of Santa Claus in the red suit with the white beard derives from am old Coca-cola advertising campain) that's slowly creeping over the religious origins (which are also B.S. - the date December 25 was chosen by the Roman Catholic Church in the 5th or 6th century to conveniently replace a Pagan winter solstice... Christ was born nowhere near then), which I don't care for anyway.

SO! When I find that Christmas stuff gets earlier every year I do get a little irritated. I'll go along with the spirit of it when it comes along but would prefer to do so every day of the year...

ANYWAYS! (putting aside the personal whining diatribe) thanks, MMCPA, I hope you have a lovely holiday season as well and much health for you and your family and much the same to everybody on the forum and those close to them. I also anxiously await my wonderfully cute little Hallmark card from Satori.

(incidentally - I thought of not going on this rant because everything in this thread was so nice and I didn't want to disrupt it - but then I realized it could continue on this trend or I could perhaps stir some fecal matter and make it just a liiiittle more interesting. Oh well...)
Well, I'll reserve my merry christmas' and happy new years for a later time. But in the mean time, for this day, I wish you all a Thanksgiving. gobble gobble. Be sure to gain a pound or two- or ten pounds or twenty depending on your metabolism- by the end of this week! And have fun losing it later by means of the headbang. :headbang: :D
Well, I just realized how "american-centric" I was being........any other country besides the US celebrating Thanksgiving? Anyway, for you U.S. Americans, have a good one.
The festivities seem so hypocrite. What do people celebrate? The king of the Jews whos apostles lead into endless wars that still going on? The fact that english w.a.s.p. garbage shunned their land to kill innocent native americans take their lands and call it the "land of the free'? The fact that some idiot was so shocked by the king of jews that decided his existance will mark the beggining of time and that such time has changed its denomination by 1?...Please go see your families have your beers and your fun its a nice excuse. There is reason to be happy but the only reason to celebrate its the ignorance and stupidity of mankind and that it gives us vacations beer and mountains of food
I really didn't mean this to become a pissing contest on holiday's. I don't particularly enjoy holiday's, but nonetheless, it's a good time as any to wish one and all to have a happy period of time. So, instead of happy holiday's and happy new year (which seems meaningless to some), I'll instead say:

I hope you all can find some time in the future to wipe away any negativeness, even if for 5 minutes, and be able to just enjoy your moment, whatever it may be. Personally, I really enjoy those moments, when I'm not clouded by life.:)
Actually, Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, on what Americans call Columbus Day. Does anybody besides the two of us have Thanksgiving? I really have no clue...

Yeah, like I said MMCPA, I'm sorry, I almost didn't want to do it, but the ranter in me was just too strong.

Born to Ramble.
(Heh, I should get that on a pin and put it on a helmet next to a peace sign - total Full Metal Jacket parody...hehe)