Happy holidays!


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I'm not into all this Christmas shite. Quite why we have to celebrate the birthday of a myth is beyond me...

The huge bonus is that I've got some days off work, which I fully intend to utilise by slobbing around my house in my underwear, playing Championship Manager on my PC, and catching up on my new DVDs that arrived from Hong Kong last week.

I hope your holidays are as fruitful as mine!


Championship Manager rules!! :headbang:

Happy Few-Days-Off-Work. I'm late. I don't care.

p.s. We could've done without the "underwear" bit...
You have my symphaties Lee. The holidays are though a great excuse for diverting all your attention to CM, or Civ3, as was the case for me. Good luck taking Fulham to Europe dude. I have to stick to trying to avoid relegation with the Owls...

I think CM makes the Wednesday just as tough to manage in the game version as it is in real life. I tried with that team twice and got nowhere.

I'm presently taking Hayes from the Conference to a respectable mid-table position in Division One. Damn, I'm a sad bastard :)
