
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Happy Mother's Day to all of you that are Moms. I hope this day brings you joy and happiness, and togetherness with your loved ones.
I got my mom a wire cat, with the Bells of Lal on it. I'm not sure how to describe it other than "one kickass windchime."

For those who don't know, Bells of Lal = camel bells. Yes, Satch has a song by the same name. And that sound you hear? Yes, camel bells. :D
Thank you for the wishes! I had to work yesterday and I can honestly say that hell does exist on earth and it's working at a restaurant on Mother's Day! ROTFL

My daughter did something very nice for me, so I am truly blessed and hopefully next year I will have the day off (grin).
Thank you for the wishes! I had to work yesterday and I can honestly say that hell does exist on earth and it's working at a restaurant on Mother's Day! ROTFL

lol.....unless you're a competent server (or better), in which case you should be, as the kidz nowadays say, "making bank" or "banking hardcore." :lol:

A friend of a friend who waits tables made over $300 on Mother's Day...not bad for a waiter at Outback. :)
At this point, I'm just a host. So I get the lovely job of crowd control at the front door. Doing the wait lists, passing out pagers, putting up with kids hanging like monkeys off of the host stand.

Where my frustration really got me last weekend is having people that I was taking to a table, all of a sudden stop (while I kept walking) and then have them point to a cluttered booth and ask if they could have that. Then I have to 5-0 it over my mic to my other hosts to go bus it and wipe it quick, then seat these people, then have the server come over and yell at me for double-seating them.

It's a vicious cycle (lol).

The general public is so freakin' rude. I even have the typical canned speech of how "we seat in rotation of servers to make sure that everyone gets a fair amount of tables, this allows the server to pace themselves and in turn provides balance for the cooks in the kitchen..." It just falls on dead ears!